Saturday, November 20, 2010

Creative Chaos

Do you ever get so caught up in a project, so consumed by it, like a good book you just can't put down that other day to day priorities take second place. Well I do, and I have. All this making and gathering of things for Market Collective has swept me up in a storm of creative energy, this is both a blessing and a burden. I love the overflow of ideas and inspiration. I do not love the chaos that has become my house, I am not normally so unorganized. The house is a tip, an absolute mess of clutter. Somehow my projects have made their way into the bedroom, tip toeing in slowly without my realizing it. A stack of art books at my side table and a random collection of art supplies including scissors, gloss medium, patterned paper and a tube of paint?. It's artistic madness. It seems I am not satisfied to create in the confines of my art room, I must make art in bed, while watching movies, while talking on the phone. I should commend my own dedication to this project...clap clap.
This weekend is officially deemed project "clean up", time to tidy the clutter before it gets out of control. Then put up the Christmas tree before December takes over. Sigh. 

Back to the topic of art, tonight I constructed a sort of display for my jewelery at the market. It's made of pieces of birch nailed and then tethered together with yarn and wire. It looks a bit like a small raft. A little rough, but I like it. Tell me what you think.. 

Much Love, 

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