It's update time! Ta da!
This summer has brought inspiration in a big way, the artist's block is a thing of the past, I'm grateful for that, I was up against a brick wall for a while.Inspiration has come in the beautiful weather and not so beautiful, the banding together of so many people, new friends, and the most puzzling and random places (the garden, a ball of string, a plethora of scarves at the mall, wooden crates etc etc.)
Embrace the inspiration Erin, while it's still here!!!
I've had time to paint and create to my hearts content. Painting, drawing for the first time in over a year, and making all kinds of nonsense and jewelery of the mixed media variety. I have made a ridiculous mess of the basement "loft" twice, and cleaned up half a dozen times... and I still have project piles on both desks.. yes both.
Beyond the mess there has been a re-connect. With myself. With the people around me, and with the force behind my work. I always feel a little silly calling what I do "my work", but it is just that, I put my entire heart and soul in to it, no matter how small or silly the project. This summer I am on hiatus from work ( the day job), a long break if you will. The break has given me a lot of time to think and make. I have been making things as an outlet, to sort myself out, but also as a time filler. In the process I've found a little piece of myself I thought missing, my absolute boundless love of making things..! I had forgotten the bliss of painting a day away, or fiddling with collages. I missed you. I missed paint covered hands and clothes, and the mess! I love making a mess! If I haven't said it before, I'll say it now, art making of any kind is a wonderful outlet for emotional energy, anger, anxiety, happiness, whatever it is you're feeling, let it fuel your work, it is the best way to work things out, writing too! If I can't make something, I will write.
There was a time in May when things were particularly bleak, and I was feeling completely and utterly overwhelmed and well.. just done. Right around this time, something fell in to my lap, like a sparkly shiny sign saying "Erin snap out of it, if you don't do this you will always wish you had" and so I did, and it was the best decision I have made all year. This shiny thing was brought to me by my lovely and oh so talented, creative and all around wonderful friend Edina Antoinette. If you don't know her, you need to, she's lovely.
She also happens to be the mastermind and founder behind UNIT.E Advanced Living, an amazing group of people that offer a diverse range of services all geared towards filling your soul and bettering your beautiful life. To find out more you will really have to check out the page here:
She sent me an email that day in May asking if perhaps I might like to show case some of my art work at her event, Yoga Nights in Kensington, an evening of Yoga (1hr) followed by tea, snacks, art and vendors..
She explained in detail how it would go down, and without hesitation I said YES to this shiny and sparkly chance. I wasn't sure how I would do it, but I needed to pick myself and do this, for my own soul filling reasons and because I honestly believe if you give of yourself to others, you will get so much love back..
So I would give my art to the community and see what came of it. I showcased two Tuesdays in a row, and what I took away was an astounding feeling of love, and support, and just a completely different perspective. I will be show casing for the rest of the summer in whatever way needed. I am so thrilled I said yes, and so honored to be a part of UNIT.E.
Come check it out!The atmosphere is relaxed and easy going, the people are great, the yoga teachers guest teach so it's usually someone different each time and it's awesome, and the vendors and snacks are not to be missed.
If you haven't heard of the event, or had the chance to check it out here's a link:
Every Tuesday! See you there!
Another way to connect...I have found a beautiful place that embodies this word. LMP Like Minded People is a community studio space that opened just this May, the owner and founder Millie Skipper is an old friend, and the force behind this beautiful space. Picture dim lighting, hardwood floors, and linen panelled walls, drums and artwork, and music.. it is a space you have to see. But it's what goes on inside those four walls that has captured me. The space IS the community, every month LMP hosts: Yoga of every kind, Meditation, Drum Circles, Goddess Circles, Art Workshops, Parties, Core Connexion Dance, Singing Bowls and so much more. I have connected with so many amazing people, and made a few new friends. I have learned the art of meditation, danced my heart out, sang, laughed, cried a lot... , and taken some amazing yoga classes too!
Check it out, I guarantee you will love it. Here's the website:
Millie is open to hosting and facilitating events of any kind, so if you have something in mind contact her!
Ps. I'll be running some art workshops sometime this fall, TBA. I'll keep you posted.
It has been an interesting summer so far, full of connections.
I wouldn't change it for anything.
Now back to my cocoon of movies and making things.
Cheers and Much love.
Ps. Here's some photos from the UNIT.E showcase! and some current projects..
UNIT.E Yoga Nights in Kensington - Showcase
Random Projects Summer 2013

"The Mess"

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