Monday, November 22, 2010

Market Collective Art Market - Erin Vs. The Art Scene

Almost here! Here's an open invite to you and you and you!

Erin takes the art world by storm, don't miss it! 

December 11th - Saturday / 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
December 12th - Sunday / 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

I made a big leap of faith in myself and booked a table at Market Collective art market. What is this Market Collective? you ask. "A market created to strengthen the art community in Calgary by showcasing the works of local artists, artisans and musicians. Come get inspired at Calgary's own independent artist market. -" Come down to the market for live music all day and amazing local artists!

I will have my very own table and wall display and I've been feverishly creating all kinds of art for the last month. Paintings, Drawings, Jewelery, Fridge Magnets, Prints, Postcards, Hair accessories and more.. made by yours truly. Come visit me! For the music , the art , the witty banter, or just to say hello, I promise a free hug to anyone who shows! :)

Meanwhile visit my art page and blog here:
and Facebook search : Paint By Heart 

and visit:  for more info on the market! 

Much Love, 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Creative Chaos

Do you ever get so caught up in a project, so consumed by it, like a good book you just can't put down that other day to day priorities take second place. Well I do, and I have. All this making and gathering of things for Market Collective has swept me up in a storm of creative energy, this is both a blessing and a burden. I love the overflow of ideas and inspiration. I do not love the chaos that has become my house, I am not normally so unorganized. The house is a tip, an absolute mess of clutter. Somehow my projects have made their way into the bedroom, tip toeing in slowly without my realizing it. A stack of art books at my side table and a random collection of art supplies including scissors, gloss medium, patterned paper and a tube of paint?. It's artistic madness. It seems I am not satisfied to create in the confines of my art room, I must make art in bed, while watching movies, while talking on the phone. I should commend my own dedication to this project...clap clap.
This weekend is officially deemed project "clean up", time to tidy the clutter before it gets out of control. Then put up the Christmas tree before December takes over. Sigh. 

Back to the topic of art, tonight I constructed a sort of display for my jewelery at the market. It's made of pieces of birch nailed and then tethered together with yarn and wire. It looks a bit like a small raft. A little rough, but I like it. Tell me what you think.. 

Much Love, 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Countdown

The countdown is on, 24 days until Market Collective! 24 days to make as much art as I can so that my table is brimming with color and art work for people to take home *crossing my fingers*. So I'm challenging myself to make one piece of art minimum everyday for the next 24 days. One is the minimum, hopefully I can manage a few more than that. If I have to live in the art room I will. Starting tomorrow, today I still feel sick.
Invites to the art market coming soon. New art work to take a peek at .. also coming soon.

Much Love,
The very sleepy and sick Erin

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Did I give you my business card? They're here!

I was enjoying a lovely walk home from work today when it occurred to me there was something important happening today, it took me a minute to recall and then I picked up my speed. My business cards and postcards were waiting for me in the mailbox! I stood at my mailbox crossed my fingers, and then opened it to find that beautiful little red tagged key to the bigger compartment where they put packages! I think I may have jumped up and down like a school girl and the neighbors may have heard an overly excited "eeeeee!" sound coming from the street. I sat down in my art room and stared at the box then ripped into it like a little kid at Christmas. I have never been so happy to see tiny boxes of  paper. I love them. So here I am to share them with you! If you are a friend, family member or friend of a friend you might find me slipping one into your wallet or pocket or leaving them all over your house because apparently I am a creep. For everyone else here's a little preview, assuming you care to see them. Hurray business cards. Erin = Happy. 

Much Love, 

Front of card (under Paint By Heart it reads: You won't find paint by numbers here.)

Back of card with my blog address.

Back side of postcard
 ( See previous post "This Business of Art" for the image on the front side, it seems silly to post it twice)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Kind of Art You Can Wear - Jewelery

Good afternoon. It's an appropriately chilly November day, but the sun is out and it is a beautiful thing. There was just enough sun for me to venture outside and take photos of some jewelery I've been working on. The slight breeze was not cooperative and lighting is tricky when your own shadow is in the way. The trees made an interesting backdrop and the perfect place to hang a necklace. The first of the photos is of an experiment of sorts in jewelery making, I was playing around with pieces of floral fabric and ended up with something I am smitten over. I'm calling them my "Lady of the Afternoon" Series, because they remind me of polite tea parties, tea cups and ladies who wear pearls. Love them! The next is another experiment, a weird sort of gathered fabric I found that I can only deduce was intended to make a pillow out of. I cut up the gathered bits and they made these green flowers, on a chain they make a statement. Hopefully a statement someone wants to make. Please tell me what you think. Would you wear them? They will be available for sale at the upcoming Market Collective at my table! eee! More details to come.
Click on the photos to see the details.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Comments,Messages Etc.

I hereby retract the following statement because I fixed it! Now you can comment on any post anytime anywhere you like without any extra signing in or up for anything. Yay! All you have to do is fill in a verification code so I don't get spammed. Comment away and often! I really do love feedback. oxo
Love, Erin

It has come to my attention that my blog doesn't allow comments unless you have a google account, and it is quite the inconvenience to have to sign up for google just to comment on my blog. Sillyness really. Until I can remedy this by providing a free range comment box, I have added a guestbook section in my sidebar under the subscription box. Please feel free to leave comments and messages there. Please comment, I enjoy reading commentary! :) I believe the guestbook requires you to enter an email address but it doesn't post your email or use it, it's just to verify you are legitimately posting. I did find it odd that there were never any comments on posts, now it all makes sense. Hurray. Please scroll to the very bottom of my page as well and answer the poll question! Hope to hear from you soon.

Much Love,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This Business of Art

My absent mindedness is catching up to me.I apologize to my tiny handful of readers. Here's one for you.
Exciting news, I have ordered a very large quantity of Artist's business cards, they're not flashy but I designed them with love. I have also ordered postcards of my painting " They Say She's a Puzzle " I can't wait to show you! The postcards even have enough space to write a message, if you chose to send one to a friend. I love postcards! Next on the list is my portfolio, I need to find an affordable place to print good quality photos. If anyone can suggest the best place to print photos please let me know. Walmart? Staples? Meanwhile I am busy creating bits and pieces of Jewelery for the art market, so far I have 11 pieces, earrings, a few pendants, and some interesting necklaces.( I will post some pictures once I find good lighting for such photos.) Very excited. Soon to start drawings and paintings. Hurray!

Much Love

Here's a photo of the painting that will soon be postcards!: